Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Another very brief entry:

The News Hour tonight had four authors at the table decrying polarization and excessive partisanhsip. I know I will not be alone in my thoughts on this. Basic point: sure. Gotta get along. Can't make everyone the enemy who merely espouses a different viewpoint. Can't follow the model championed by SWMNBN and just kill everyone who disagrees. There have to be some principles of what's fair.

But it disgusts me more than a little bit that:

1) After eight years of Bush and Rove litmus tests, whisper campaigns, personal attacks, using the IRS and leaking classified information to punish opponents, politicizing the whole government, caging voters, stealing elections, calling Democrats traitors, using every tool from gerrymandered redictricting, changing election rules, past-midnight votes where the vote changes after a bribe or a threat is made, changing congressional rules, issuing illegal executive orders and signing statements, ignoring the laws, concealing information from Congress, turning congressional Republicans into a politburo, striving to monopolize K Street donations, and striving to win every vote by 1, with the most extreme possible platform, after all this, suddenly, as the pendulum starts to swing in favor of the erstwhile minority, polarization and partisanship beccomes an issue.

2) No one identifies who is to blame; apparently it is everyone equally, or maybe Joe Lieberman gets some credit for being a closet neocon.

3) No set of principles of fair play is articulated, just vague "try to get along" and "don;t be too partisan" which is so meaningless, it can always be projected to your enemy.

I'm sorry. It's hard for me to concentrate. Karl Rove is on Charlie Rose getting the usual puffball treatment. He just said the Democrats have been unsuccessful this term because they don't show enough respect to their republican peers or compromise enough, and it's sort of making me want to retch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


And Rove claims the administration wanted more time to build international alliances before invading Iraq, but congress rushed us into a war.

Charlie forgot to ask Rove if he still french kisses his own mother with that dirty, forked tongue.

I'm sure, by the way, that doing the interview the night before Thanksgiving -- a very slow news day and slow blogging day -- was all Charlie's idea.