Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Watch this

I saw this over at Glenn Greenwald:

Glenn is right as usual in everything he says in this post. Rose is so stuck in his little New York elite bubble that his perspective is obvious in everything he does. When he talks to mainstream State Department types or to neocons, to celebrities and philanthropists, or about the arts, he sounds infinitely credulous. talks their language, panders and tries to follow. When he talks to smart people whose view is a little smarter, more worldly, less mainstream, he always seems either antagonistic and dismissive (as when he talked to Ramsey Clark) or like he's struggling to get it and really won't retain much by the next day, when he'll be back to the old outlines again. Still, it's wonderful that he actually gives some limited exposure to people whose political views are outside his bubble, like Clark, Harold Pinter, and these guys above.

Much of what these guys say should be beyond controversy, yet is the opposite of what most of the media and elite class appear to assume, and what filters down to the masses from elite opinion. Most of what they said was not surprising to me, but there were a few moments where I caught myself saying "Duh!" not to Charlie or his guests but to myself: "Of course! Why am I not more conscious of that!"

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