There are lots of good reasons to despise A--C------. She is either a fascist or ostentatiously pseudofascist in presentation, a felon, and poisonous to the discourse. But the flap about her longing for a world without Jews does not strike me as especially antisemitic. It strikes me as rather logical and ordinary that for adherants of one religion, adherance to another, incompatible religion is at very least misguided. For Christianity and Islam in their robust versions, nonadherants are destined for Hell. Hoping for the conversion of infidels is compassionate, from that point of view.
btw: Judaism doesn't fall in this category but it does something similar (again, at least in versions) in an unusual way: it has moral rules that apply to Gentiles, and sometimes only to Gentiles. Not only must they follow the Noahide Laws, and without the exceptions that Jews might sometimes be compelled to make to honor other commandments, but at least some Rabbis also assert that Gentiles are commanded not to follow the rules intended exclusively for Jews. Hence: have some BBQ Pork! This strikes me as unique and weird, and has a bit of that Christo-Islamic arrogance telling others what to do, but still tolerant, as is widely recognized: at least there is an admission that you can have your covenant and I can have mine, and there is no need for me to convert you.
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